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Born: fl. 1880


Presumably trained in Holland. When, in January of 1889, the OVS Volksraad decided to extend the railway line northwards to the newly discovered goldfields of the Witwatersrand the Dutchman Eduard Thiange was appointed as State Engineer to supervise the construction of the rail line between Norvalspont and Bloemfontein (Schoeman, 1982: 93-4). He became second Inspector of Public Works in Bloemfontein and in 1891 appointed by the Volksraad as Inspector of General Works as assistant to VIXSEBOXSE, the newly appointed State Architect. His seems to have been a rough ride, the Volksraad turning upon him at every opportunity. The fact that he was Dutch born, spoke in a high squeaky voice, and that his ability was questioned all contributed to their animosity. The Executive Council however held him in high esteem and defended him against the Councillors. He is recorded as a capable engineer of bridges but victim to pranks by contractors who pointed out incorrect locations for the placing of bridges. Flooding at times demolished piers he had designed and he specified materials to be imported from the Netherlands, rather than acquired from the merchants of Bloemfontein, all grist to the mill of local unhappiness. Although he helped extend the railway network, he succumbed to the attacks and resigned in 1895. Regret was recorded in The Friend

In getting rid of Mr Thiange we are losing an exceedingly able official and ... an honest man.

Longland's Directory of 1899 has him living in Pretoria and recorded as Chief Engineer of the Pietersburg line.

Schoeman (1982:95) has a portrait of Thiange.

(Schoeman 1982; Roodt, 1987)

All truncated references not fully cited in 'References' are those of Joanna Walker's original text and cited in full in the 'Bibliography' entry of the Lexicon.

Books citing THIANGE

Longland. 1979. Longland's Pretoria Directory for 1899 (Reprint No. 85). Pretoria: The State Library. pp 170

Roodt, Leon. 1987. The Architecture of the Orange Free State Republic 1854-1902. Bloemfontein: Unpublished Ph.D. pp 148, 154, 156, illus. 240 (portrait)

Schoeman, Karel. 1982. Vrystaatse erfenis : Bouwerk en geboue in die 19de eeu. Kaapstad: Human & Rousseau. pp 93-94, 97, 98, 103-104, 114; illust. 50 (portrait)