Was born in London. In 1897, aged about sixteen, he entered the office of Aston Webb in London, where he received his training. According to HB Cresswell (cf Service 1975:328-337), Webb would take about five pupils into his well-run and successful office. In 1902 Strong was selected by the Crown Agent for the Colonies (the Crown Agents would consult Webb about recruits suitable for Transvaal postings), for the post of architectural assistant, PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT, Transvaal. The Civil Service lists, Transvaal (1904) noted that he was employed as a draughtsman from November 1902. He was elected a Licentiate member of the RIBA in 1911 and served in the First World War, joining the South African Overseas Expeditionary Forces Signal Company. He returned to work for the PWD after the war. In 1929 he was appointed assistant architect to JS CLELAND, chief architect, PWD. He spent the period from December 1932 until June 1933 in New Zealand,Tasmania and Australia. On his return he was appointed chief architect, PWD and in 1935 received the King's Silver Jubilee Medal. He retired from the post of chief architect before February 1936, and left the PWD at this point, after which date his career is obscure. LRIBA Pretoria 1911; ISAA 1927. (AB&E Aug 1919:2; Building Jun 1919:280; CSL Tvl 1904; LRIBA nom papers, no details (1911) 1608; PSL 1934, 1936; PWD ar 1935-6; SAAR May 1935:132; SAAR Nov 1935:326-32; UTD 1915) All truncated references not fully cited in 'References' are those of Joanna Walker's original text and cited in full in the 'Bibliography' entry of the Lexicon. List of projects With photographs
With notes
Main Post Office - Jeppe Street: 1933-1935. Johannesburg, Gauteng - Design Architect
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