Was born in Durban and educated at Kingswood College, Grahamstown, Neill worked for two years in the National Bank, Port Elizabeth before commencing articles with OWEN EATON & TAIT, Port Elizabeth. In 1930 he left for Southern Rhodesia (Zimbabwe) where he became an assistant to MacGILLIVRAY & Son in Bulawayo. By 1935 he was chief assistant in the same office. (SAWW 1935)
The following is the transcribed text from the entry on page 346 of: Kruger, Dr. D F (ed), Wie is Wie in Suid Afrika, Vitae Uitgewers, Johannesburg, 1960. Sent to us by William MARTINSON.
NEILL, Robert Christopher, M.I.A., b. 22.7.1905 in Durban, s.o.l. Mr. R. G. Neill.
Educated at Grey Institute and Kingswood College. He served his articles with F. Owen EATON, Port Elizabeth. Was chief assistant to MacGILLIVRAY & Son, Bulawayo and J. C. COOK & COWEN, Johannesburg. He commenced his own practice in 1944 in Johannesburg as architect.
Married 7.4.1934 to Dorothy, d.o. Capt. W. H. Law; two sons.
Recreations: Flying, yachting, golf and amateur radio.
Clubs: Scientifical & Technical, Royal Johannesburg, Parkview and New Club.
Address: 13 Chester Road, Parkwood, Johannesburg. Office 501/505, Lawson's Corner, Braamfontein, Johannesburg. All truncated references not fully cited in 'References' are those of Joanna Walker's original text and cited in full in the 'Bibliography' entry of the Lexicon. Books citing NEILL |