Photo copied from UIA journal Issue 8, 1985
Photographer: Unidentified

Portrait - 2011
Photographer: Unidentified

Runner up in Women in Construction in Africa
Photographer: Unknown - May 2017

Roof top garden Tokyo
Photographer: Judith van Velden - June 2017

Mira with cat
Photographer: Justine Pringle - August 2017

An interview with Mira Fassler-Kamstra by Sue Morrell, published in the Daily Dispatch on 1 November 1994. Mira was the final speaker in The Gap Between lecture series, hosted by the (then) Border Institute of Architects in East London.
Scanned from the Archive of the Border-Kei Institute of Architects by Glynis Heger and submitted by William Martinson

Click for larger image

An article of Mira diving at the Wits’ pool before starting her first year of architectural studies

Photograph in Lourenco Marques (Maputo) where Mira was an exhibition diver for the Wits Swimming Team which had been invited to a competition there in 1957 or 8
Photographer: Unidentified